Sunday 22 April 2007

This government is a B-movie - the "Blaster" effect

As a connoisseur of bad films, I give you this -

Among other silly stereotypes, the character "Blaster" stands out to me. Strangely, he is the demolition/boobytrap expert. His particular speciality is arranging an ambush of boobytraps designed so that the survivors of one explosion charge straight into the next one and so on. Inevitably, in the course of the film he breaks his own record for how many "jumps" he inflicts on the infinitely expendable bad guys....

Recently, Blair & Co finally admitted that the prisons are full and that they are instructing judges and magistrates to cut back on custodial sentences. Setting aside the fact that this is an injustice - surely the just sentence for a crime is not determined by prison spaces? - what will happen next?

1) Someone who would have gone to prison under the old rules will commit a horrific crime.
2) It will be denied that this happened because of the change in rules.
3) No one will resign - at least at first.
4) The rules will be re-imposed
5) Prison overcrowding will get worse.
6) Some one will get killed by a prison riot/disturbance. Alternatively there will be escapes from custody due to holding prisoners in improvised accommodation.
7) Prisoners will sue and get large awards for poor treatment and inadequate accommodation.
8) The rules on sentencing will be quietly reversed again.

This is this is the "Blaster" effect - if all you know is how to react to the latest headline, your policies will move in a circle.....

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