Tuesday 3 April 2007

Old Labour - Old Prejudices

Traditionally, Labour party memebers dislike the small business man. His workers are unlikely to be unionised. He is likely to be a Conservative. He is often that most terrible of sinners - a working class man trying to move up in the world. Under this government, the small business man is taking a hammering - the weight of regulations crushes small businesses, while inconveniencing the large....

A vague belef that fox hunting is something to do with Thatcher(!?) In fact the fox hunting Tories came from the aristocratic, wet, anti-Thatcher end of the party - Macmillan spoke for them when he described privatisation as "selling the family silver". No matter - as revenge for the miners, ban fox hunting.....

Talking about immigration is racist - so, ignore the entire topic..... Leaving it to the BNP, and Abu Hamza.

A belief that GPs and hospital consultants are lazy and more interested in private clients - introduce a contract system to force them to declare the hours they actually work. There's a reason that hospital consultants like Friday afternoon off - two actually. One, it is the calm before the storm - Friday and Saturday nights are busy. Two, by Friday, they have often worked 45 hours.... 12 hour days are standard. So, strangely enough their pay packets soared when they logged their true hours....

People with private pensions were considered as kin to those with private health insurance - dodging the system. No matter that many were as working class as you can get - tax the dividends that feed their pensions.

The military are traditionally suspect - an urban legend about shooting miners on strike seems to be at the root of this. So cut and cut again from the military budget.

Old Labour does seem to be getting a hearing under this government.

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